I did get a chance to enjoy my winter break, but I also spent a nice portion of it completing my Google for Education Certified Trainer application. I finished it and I feel proud and accomplished. There are various parts
“Teacher, I Googled You” – An Opportunity for a Lesson in Digital Citizenship
Yesterday a student said to me “Teacher, I Googled You” and my reply to him was “Good. I’m proud of every single result that comes up. What did you learn about me?” I always use these moments as an opportunity
🎉 Woo Hoo, Just Got a Class Set of Chromebooks! Now What? – Chromebook Rollout – DAY ONE
I am very fortunate that last week I received a dedicated set of Chromebooks for my classroom. It was like Christmas, my birthday, and payday all wrapped up into one. Of course, the first thing I did was go straight